Great North Bump - Pregnancy · Health

14 weeks: feeling peachy

This week’s Baby size as fruit or vegetable: Peach

Pregnancy symptom of the week: Round ligament pain (ouch)

After all the excitement of last week’s big announcement, it’s back to business as usual this week. I’m feeling so much more relaxed than I have been in recent weeks and seem to be shaking off the first trimester funk – daily nausea has abated and less likely to burst into tears for no reason – although I’m still more than ready for bed each night!

Bump has just about started to show itself, both visually and uncomfortably. I’m having to remember not to stand up too quickly, especially if I’ve been lying down, as I’m experiencing the odd painful twinge of round ligament pain as things start to expand. Definitely aware of something going on in there!

14 week bump (just about)

The fab pair of leggings I just bought from The Essential One and my maternity jeans are already proving to be lifesavers as my clothes get tighter, and I’m having to be selective with my existing wardrobe as to what I can still fit into without looking like I’m just carrying too much Christmas weight. I’ve also got some lovely maternity gear from Beebies Baby Store this week which I don’t really fill just yet but have started wearing anyway just to be comfortable. I’ll get modelling when I’ve got a bit more bump to show off.

I’m settling into the routine of taking my various medications each day – being high-risk for pre-eclampsia I’ve been prescribed a daily dose of 75mg of aspirin (which I have to crush up into a glass of water thanks to being given ‘dispersible’ tablets – bleurgh. I’ve been taking it in my morning orange juice instead!). Then at bedtime I take my regular pregnancy multivitamin along with four little pills which are either 1mg each of folic acid, or a completely inert placebo, depending on which strand of the clinical trial I have been allocated to. I have to complete a study diary each day of any strange symptoms I may be experiencing, fortunately none so far. The joys of having a high-risk pregnancy!

Lovely Dr Ranj showing off one of our MAMA Wellbeing Wallets

I am already loving being out of the pregnancy closet and being able to be honest about everything. I have received some lovely comments in response to my news and have found my closest bump buddy so far in Hannah of Make, Do and Push who is only a couple of weeks ahead of me – is anyone due closer to 11th July?

I was also delighted to see that Hannah has ordered her MAMA Academy Wellbeing Wallet for her antenatal notes – I am proudly using mine and have so much stuff crammed in there already! Head over to the MAMA Academy website to get your hands on one to make sure you are equipped with all the key info you need for a healthy pregnancy. (You wouldn’t know I volunteer for the charity would you?).

I’m linking up with Ghostwriter Mummy’s Maternity Matters

Maternity Matters~ Ghostwritermummy

4 thoughts on “14 weeks: feeling peachy

  1. Oh your stomach is so flat!! Can’t wait to see your gorgeous bump! Thanks for linking up to #MaternityMatters x x

  2. Congratulations on second trimester!! Here’s hoping the yucky-ness of the first trimester is gone for good!!
    Know what you mean about it feeling good about “coming out” about the pregnancy…..I came out today woohoo 12 weeks today!!!

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